Demo of komplete ultimate 11
Demo of komplete ultimate 11

Putting all of the above aside, it is in most cases still possible to scan and load non NKS Kontakt libraries into Komplete Kontrol, however the criteria and level of accessibility is varied.

demo of komplete ultimate 11

Thankfully these are now less common, but if buying from one of the online discount stores, it can be wise to research just how old a product actually is, for example products that require Kontakt version 4 or the low 5 numbers should be researched before parting with your cash. I use the words ‘typically’ and in modern times’ here in a cautionary capacity, as some Kontakt sample libraries that predate Komplete Kontrol and the NKS system may still have licensing requirements through Native Access, but are not NKS compliant. Typically this provides a level of assurance, as libraries that require authorisation using a serial code through Native Access, are in modern times going to have NKS compatibility as a part of their licensing requirement from Native Instruments. The main thing to look for when purchasing a current Kontakt sample library, is whether or not it can use the free Kontakt player application. Whether something is going to work within Komplete Kontrol is Probably one of the most commonly asked questions, and admittedly can be a topic of confusion. Probably one of the most commonly asked questions and admittedly

demo of komplete ultimate 11 demo of komplete ultimate 11

Will This Kontakt Library Work in Komplete Kontrol?

Demo of komplete ultimate 11