Bluestacks snapchat text too small
Bluestacks snapchat text too small

Step 2: Disable the Notifications toggle from the drop-down menu. Step 1: Head to Snapchat web and select the lock icon in the address bar. If you get too many Snapchat pings during your hours, you can disable notifications using the steps below. Step 4: Reload the tab to apply the changes. Step 3: The web browser may ask you to confirm the same. Step 2: Snapchat notifications are off by default. Step 1: Visit Snapchat site in a web browser. To receive real-time messages, snaps, and incoming calls on the desktop, you must enable notification permission for the Snapchat web. You can also install Snapchat PWA (Progressive Web App) on your computer (more on that later). You can add it as a bookmark (use Ctrl + D for Windows or Command + D on Mac) on your browser. Now that you have set your Snapchat account on the web. Select Allow if you plan to compose/receive voice or video calls on Snapchat or want to send snaps using the laptop camera. Step 9: The web will ask to allow camera and microphone permission to function smoothly. Step 8: Snapchat DM (direct messages) menu will appear on the left with your most recent conversations.

bluestacks snapchat text too small

Step 7: Snapchat will ask you to create a Bitmoji (if you haven’t created one).

Bluestacks snapchat text too small